Diverse After-School Activities: Engaging Interests for Ages 4-10
We have been providing several popular and exciting after school activities for students interests from 4 – 10 years old. These activities may change to reflect students and family interests and needs with the underlying goal to balance student enthusiasm.

Last Term's Highlights: A Showcase of Creativity and Fun of Waldorf Education
Our after-school activity choices have included fencing, pottery, taekwondo, eurythmy, games in Mandarin, and woodworking. It was wonderful to see the children engage in these activities with enthusiasm and joy over the last term.

Upcoming Offerings: New Classes Starting September 2023
New classes will begin in the new school year starting September 2023, currently we are in the process of finalizing the details, and we will share more information shortly.

Commitment to Enrichment: The Importance of After-School Activities
We believe that these activities are an essential part of our curriculum in Garden House Waldorf School, and we are committed to providing high-quality options for our students.